A Quick Thing....

12:16 AM

Hello all!

I want to talk about something important: procrastination and perfection. I've had too many posts planned on here and I've overwhelmed myself to the point of not even writing because I wanted the post to be crafted with a certain creative direction. I wanted to go beyond my resources and create some cool things, photography-wise, and I just keep...missing the mark.
I've had a sort of..."lazy perfectionist" attitude towards blogging where I want things to be a particular way, and not allowing room for change, but in turn, burning myself out to the core. I want to do things differently. Coupled with being exhausted 95% of the week, I just resort to slapping together something for my Instagram, in hopes of rekindling the failing algorithm flame.

I've also witnessed countless others receive great exposure for the crappiest content--a review is longer than a paragraph! I know that numbers aren't supposed to be important, but they are. Numbers exponentially allow for more growth--it's maths! I am tired of the same content being shuffled around: shelfies are awfully overdone with too much focus on product quantity and I am equally tired of marble or high contrast backgrounds. I am growing tired of pink and subdued colors, too! The photos should be interesting and evoke a certain mood, relating to the product or theme!

All of this is disheartening and I am so tired of my photos struggling to get likes, but no more. I guess I'm here to openly admit that I'm jealous and that if I want more exposure, I need to pull more content out, no matter if it's no the original content that I planned.

 Get ready.

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