First Impressions Review: Holika Holika x Gudetama Lazy & Joy Face 2 Change Cushion (21 Light Beige) (Pics, Swatches, Experience + Demo)
11:12 PMHello all! I'm so excited for this review as I'm a major fan of the Gudes! I finally decided to buy something from Holika Holika's recent eggtraordinary collaboration with Gudetama. I've been high key ecstatic over both collections but hadn't really sat down and decided on what I actually wanted to own in my personal collection (as opposed to just keeping it in a wish or watch list).
As I mentioned on my Instagram stories and in the post below, I snatched up a cushion case and one refill (puff included)--it just arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon.
インスタのストリーズと下の更新で、ぐでたまx ホリカホリカの限定クッションケーズとリフィルを注文したり昨日の午後、郵送で受け取れた☆
I ordered from eBay seller, rinishop, on November 15th. I paid USD$8 for the case at the time and $10.38 for the refill (puff included), plus an Etude House eyebrow mascara. The items arrived safely in a small, cardboard box on December 2nd.
11月15日、eBayのrinishop売主を注文したりケースは8ドル、リフィルとパフは10.38ドルを払いましたがエチュードハウスの眉マスカラを購入した。 12月2日、小さい段ボールで無事に届けた。

Wow, what a mouthful! It might be time to call this the Holika Holika "long name" cushion! The case is a regular, chunky size that features one of three limited, but very cute illustrations of Gudetama, as it's printed on the box. The famous lazy egg is wearing a heart headband and seemingly applied a cushion, to get that dewy glow!!
わ~ぁこんなに長いタイトルだ!ロングネーム・クッションという名前を呼んでくるかもねww !ホリカホリカさんのクッションは普通サイズのケースだが、ボックスの外で同じで3点の一つの限定可愛い過ぎる「ぐでたま」のイランストを見せる。人気たまごさんはもハート形ヘッドバンドを着てるしツヤ肌を作れるのためにクッションを塗ったばかりそうだった!!

The refill is equally cute, clean packaging: a foil packet housing both the cushion refill and a new air puff. I'm digging that pink~!

A side note: the actual cushion is a very exact and tight fit into the case.
The best way is to line up the two notches to the left and angle the inner cushion slightly, so that area (shown in the center of the pic, below) matches up first, then you can click the rest of it into place--since it's such an exact fit.
I went with the lightest shade, No. 21 (Light Beige). When looking at the cushion and the puff (after peeling off the cute sticker), the foundation looks darker (left) but as soon as you apply some onto the skin (right), it looks lighter than expected. I applied the first bit to my forearm--the prime swatching area. The finish is fairly sheer with a light to medium coverage, but is buildable if you take it slowly when applying to the face--give yourself time!
最も薄い色21号(ライトベージ)を選んだけど可愛い剥離のシールを除く後からクッションとエアパフを見るの時ファンデーションがちょっと濃いそうだけど突然に肌で塗るとすぐに最も薄いそうだ。最初には あの一番見本のエリアで前腕の上に塗れたが型は結構露の感じみたいです。結果はちょっと透明な感じになるの薄づきってから濃いものカーバ力ですが時間を取ってゆっくりと塗るともっとレイヤーできますよ!
The foundation was like a regular ol' cushion: not too sticky but dat dew!! There a minor sweet non-perfumed scent, but it honestly just smells like makeup and candy, combined.

So....I have dry, dehydrated (sometimes combo) Nsomething10~15 pale skin with some wonderful rosacea across both cheeks and chin. The bridge of my nose has some redness but that is from years and years of sunburn damage from the Australian sun, from my childhood--plus some freckles and slight dark circles.
え~っと・・・乾燥(時々混合肌) のペールという肌タイプですが鼻梁と顎の向かい側に赤らみがありますけど。子供時代、オーストラリアを住んでいたの時何数年の日焼けによる損傷、目の下のくまとそばかすもあるよ。
When I approach makeup (particularly foundation), I look for a product that isn't too heavy but evenly conceals my redness enough so that I look normal. Mostly so that other people or coworkers don't ask "Are you ok?", "Are you sick?". It's really just to look that much more normal.
化粧するの時、大抵は濃くない商品特にファンデーションとか赤ら顔を満遍なく隠せる商品を見つけるのでノーマル肌みたいです。 主にバイトの同僚は「大丈夫かい?」と「病気なのか?」と聞けないという理由だから。本当にノーマルになる感じだからね。
Here is my no-makeup face, post washing my face from yesterday morning. At the time of the photo, it was like before 7am, and I was rushing to take photos as I tried this Holika Holika x Gudetama cushion for the first time--I didn't want to wait for my days off from work, later this week...I wanted the excitement, now! But I was and am tired. Tired as shit, tbh.
顔を洗ってから昨日の朝すっぴんの顔、どうそ~!撮ったの時は朝7時だったのでこのホリカホリカ x ぐでたまのクッションを初めて使ってみながら写メを急げ撮ってて今週バイトの休日を待って欲しなかったから今、あの興奮していることは欲しかったわよ!しかも疲れたり疲れています。 クソ疲れたわよ。

I applied a thin layer of Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Filler primer to one side of my face (right, in the above photo) and no primer to the other side. You can see that with a primer, the cushion seems to adhere better to the skin, than without. I will try other primers in my stash but currently I have only two or three drugstore primers--all are silicone based.
初めて使っての時、顔に塗ってからクッションがライトとしっかりカバーみたいですが赤みとかを隠してくれてキレイピンクの色になってできたらチークを塗る必要がないことだ!それから頬でもう一回クッションを塗ると目の下のエリアに 湿ったばかりのビューティブレンダーというメイクのスポンジを使ってスキンフードさんのピーチ サケ シルキー ポア パウダーを塗りました。
Here is my face about three hours later, while I'm at work. I haven't begun to work any freight (so no major sweating yet) but I was working on a project. Still super tired!
Now, some reality: because I work retail, and often am in and out of the backroom, constantly bending down or on a ladder (aka hella dust, sometimes) or general constant running around and customer service-ing, my face dries out so awfully throughout the day.
Below is my face at about 2pm or so, after lunch with about an hour or so remaining of my shift. As you can see, the texture of my skin really comes through, even with a primer. This I feel is not the fault of the Holika Holika cushion or primer, but a dire, desperate need for another hydrating serum. Even a facial mist, to help compensate for the lack of moisture whenever I'm at work. I do drink a lot of water throughout the day but I feel like it's not enough to help keep my skin hydrated and my makeup looking flawless throughout the day. I also use a medicated cream from my doctor for the rosacea, but it currently is not working.
午後14時ごろ 昼ご飯休みの後、バイトの1時間残りで、下の写メは顔のイメージです。写メから分かるようにようにプライマーを使ったとしても肌の肌触りを発揮される。 This I feel is not the fault of theホリカホリカのクッションや使ったのプライマーのは欠点ではなく他の保湿セラムが大必死なことだと思いますけど。バイト中保湿がないの時フェイスミストも補ってもOKだからね。なので一日中たくさん水を飲んでいるのにけっこう保湿の肌と完璧なメイクのために結局、あまり十分じゃないだと思います。それも酒さ・赤みのためにf薬用クリームも使いますが最近はうまく結果をよく見られないけど。
I make do.

But wait, there's more!
待ってよ! もっとちょっと聞かせてよ!
So yesterday, I tried again and instead, did the same Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Filler primer on all of my face. I didn't set with any powder and used NYX's Dewy?? (it sure doesn't look or feel dewy...!!) setting spray instead, to help set my eye makeup and a light spritz over the rest of my face. The result: my face was ever-so-slightly tacky, because of the NYX spray, but the Holika Holika cushion remained smooth for longer.
それで昨日、まだ一度をやっていたが今回メイベリンのべビースキン ポアプライマーを使いました。パウダーをセットせずにNYXのデゥーイーセッチングスプレイーで全顔を塗りましたが(露の感じハズですが見てないんだ!)目メイクをセットのために顔の残りスプレイが薄くを吹きかける。 結果はNYXのスプレイなら顔が少しベトベトって感じでホリカホリカのクッションも滑らかな感じで長持ちを続けておきます。
And this morning, I tried again and used the same products (pictures below), but did a second layer of the cushion foundation, sans any setting powder. I found it easy to apply but equally as easy to smudge. If you press hard with the air puff to your face when applying any BB cushion, the puff can disrupt the foundation you've just applied--you really need to gently bounce the puff to help push it all into your skin.
My face from later today, as I finished work...around 3:30pm or so. I did some major work so my redness was coming out a little more from fatigue and stress.
After three days of testings and a watchful eye, I feel that the Holika Holika cushion has some minor lasting power. For me, it did last through a long work day without major icky signs of wear--although there is some dryness around my nose and corners of my mouth, and a little over the apples of my cheeks.

final thoughts
If you have mild to strong rosacea, the very cute Holika Holika Lazy & Joy Face 2 Change Cushion is probably not the best cushion per se for a high coverage, flawless look to conceal that redness down to a normal, average complexion. It will wear away throughout the day if not set properly, and is more suited to a natural, everyday look for pale princesses, but it does do the job, to look "natural" and more normal, sans unnecessary redness.
I will however likely repurchase the regular Holika Holika Face 2 Change Cushion refill, to go inside this limited Gudetama case in the future. I also realized the utmost importance of keeping my skin hydrated, in terms of my skincare routine; I think I'm lacking some moisture in my routine.
Goodnight~! I'm going to bed and looking forward to my weekend, because tomorrow is Friday!!!!!!